Roshani Kolta

Roshani Kolta


My name is Roshani Kolta and I am a pharmacist. I am Indian and have been a faithful member of the Coptic Orthodox community for over 15 years. I am a wife to a supportive husband and we have two beautiful young daughters. We are raising our children in this congregation that we consider our extended family. I serve in the Children’s ministry and the Agape meals at SMSV.


I will put my best efforts forward with my service to help see the mission and vision of St. Maurice and St. Verena be carried through the years. I will put forth the mission and vision of the Church first when determining the best options and outcomes so it remains a welcoming Church with a flourishing diverse congregation for all to gather.


If possible in the future, I would like for our Church to have a recreational/sports complex that serves multiple areas for all ages from infants to seniors. It will help our own congregation and the outside community. It will aid our Church financially as well as create job opportunities. I would also like to see services to help the less fortunate or vulnerable on an ongoing basis such as with our seniors and new immigrants.