2015-Dec-31The church welcomed the New Year of 2016 with great celebration and joy. On December 31, 2015, many members of the congregation arrived early to church to be welcomed by a group of young servants who prepared several themed meditation corners where each person spent some time reflecting on the past year and praying for the upcoming one. There was also a service corner where members assembled gift bags to be handed out to Syrian refugees. This was followed by Raising of Incense prayer, Kiahk praises and a meditation by Fr. Pishoy entitled “New Year, New Person”. The last few minutes of the year were spent in prayer and led by our Praise Team. After having time to congratulate one another, we celebrated the Divine Liturgy to be in God’s presence in the first few hours of the year. It was indeed a spiritually uplifting evening which brought joy to many. May our Lord bless our beloved congregation during this year 2016.