poster-2014-euthanasiaOn Sunday, June 29, Dr. Terry McQuiston, a Christian physician who is a member of both the Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada, and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition of Canada, led SMSV in a Community Presentation on the family-focused matters of End of Life Care and Euthanasia.  Sponsored by the Holy Family Ministry, the two issues discussed were:  First, how can we as followers of Christ best respond to people– perhaps our own loved ones– who find themselves wanting to die?  Second, should we Christians involve ourselves in the political debates surrounding euthanasia?

Fr. Daniel summarized a written statement of H.G. Bishop Serapion on the matters, while attendees asked questions and shared in their personal experiences supporting loved ones.  Together, the group reached consensus that our end stage of life is a sacred time that God uses for us and for His glory; that intent to manage palliative pain is not euthanasia, and ultimately, we live in hope for “the life of the age to come.”