Indeed, this was a glorious and historic day which will be remembered for years!! H.G. Bishop David celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 19th and ordained many deacons. To the rank of Psalter: George Mallouk, Basem Keriako, Kerollos Keriako, Daniel Deris, Philip Poku, Augustine Arthur, Walid Awadalla, Maged Mallouk, Sameh Ibrahim, Moses Elzinie, Boulos Marcos, Peter Takla, and Ihab Gabrial. To the rank of Reader: Pavely Eskandar, David Salama, Boula Benjamin, Mark Awad, Fady Salib, Abanoub Sourial, Stephen Saad, George Gohary, and Gamil Gayed. To the rank of Sub-Deacon: Mark Roufaiel, John Boutros, Robert Martignani, Moses Dioscorus McKay, Tekle Samuel, Fred Azouz, Makram Barsoum, and Ron Quan. We thank our beloved father H.G. Bishop David for these joyful ordinations. Congratulations to everyone who was ordained and may the Lord bless their ministry.