2014-July-10(2)On Thursday, July 10, our SMSV missionaries returned safely from an incredible mission trip under the guidance of H.G. Bishop Agathon of St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Over the course of 14 days, our 16 missionaries served in various capacities to assist the needs of the community. 2014-July-10(1)This involved school visitations in high-risk and at-need neighborhoods, an orphanage for physically challenged children, and a women’s senior home. All in all, our missionaries ministered to Brazilians with quality time and songs and hymns– and still got to catch great FIFA action.


We are so thankful to God for His incredible protection, provision and guidance throughout this journey. Our heartfelt thanks also to H.G. Bishop Agathon, for mentoring each team member with so much love, and our beloved church community for their prayers and generous support every step of the way.