The Sunday School servants prepared an enjoyable evening for ourchildren on Wednesday, October 31st which was filled with activities, games, saints’ stories, andlessons from the Holy Bible. Upon arrival, the children sharedin preparing hand crafts and wrapped warm bundles tobe distributed bythe sandwich run ministry to the needy in downtown Toronto. Then everyone participated in various sports activities and games. The children then ate together pizza and heard stories of the saints. Finally, Fr. Pishoy shared a meditation of the importance of befriending the saints and asking for their prayers as they are our “cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1). We thank God for this activity night where everyone had fun and was safe. God bless every ministry for His glory. The youth also held an excursion at the same time to LaserQuest where they enjoyed a private time to play. They all shared in fun times and fellowship with one another and with their counsellors.